Wednesday 22 February 2012

My 101 Things in 1001 Days List

The Mission 
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).

Why 1001 Days? 

Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as New Year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

Start Date: Wednesday, 22nd February, 2012.

End Date: Wednesday, 19th November, 2014. 

1. Spend quality time once a fortnight
2. Surprise Matt with something nice and unexpected 5 times
3. Pay off all of my personal debt
4. Get a new pet
5. Do something special for our anniversaries

6. Get back down to my goal weight and maintain it for 3 months
7. Complete my dental treatment
8. Get some new glasses
9. Be able to run 1km
10. Exercise 3 times a week for four consecutive weeks
11. Find out my blood type
12. Do 10,000 situps
13. Be able to do 25 pushups consecutively
14. Do 1,000 pushups
15. Get a professional massage
16. Look after my skin better
17. Get laser eye surgery (very costly – may not be achievable)
18. Attend a group fitness class at least 10 times 

19. Go on a road trip with no defined destination
20. Go on a spontaneous trip
21. Visit Melbourne

22. Spend at least one day a week of photographing Lachlan 
23. Have a day with my Mum and/or little brother 10 times 

Personal Growth/Learning
24. Get a new tattoo
25. Have a ‘me’ day once every month, where I do only whatever I feel I most want to do and to hell with the rest of the world
26. Learn 10 new skills 
27. Go to a dance class
28. Buy myself flowers
29. Have a bubble bath with candles around me
30. Complete a course of some sort

31. Send out Christmas Cards
32. Grow a vege/herb garden
33. Get an outdoor setting
34. Fix the backyard
35. Bake a cake
36. Try 10 new foods 
37. Try bubble tea
38. Fix the front yard

39. Catch up with 10 friends 
40. Organise a movie marathon day/night with friends at my house
41. Write a letter to at least 5 people – handwritten, not emailed 
42. Have a board game day/night with friends

Being a good person
43. Donate 10,000 grains of rice 
44. Donate $5 for every item I don’t complete
45. Plant a tree
46. Actually remember to use my reusable shopping bags
47. Attend a dawn service on ANZAC day
48. Participate in 2 charity/fundraising events 
49. Pay for the coffee/lunch/small purchase of the person in front/behind me in line
50. Help a complete stranger
51. Send an anonymous gift/flowers
52. Give blood
53. Give to a homeless person three times 

54. Buy a new computer
55. Organise all pre-digital photos – get them all bulk scanned and organized
56. Give WoW a try (someone else’s account/computer)
57. Join Post Crossing and send 5 postcards 
58. Complete a 26 Things project entry
59. Participate in Gimme Your Stuff

60. Buy a waterproof digital camera and go snorkelling with it
61. Buy a bike
62. Buy
63. Buy

Places to Go
64. Visit the WA Museum
65. Go to the zoo
66. Go to a library
67. Visit a national park
68. Go on a picnic
69. Visit 5 places I’ve never been (sights, towns, anything)

70. Go to the cinema to watch 20 different films 
71. See a movie on my own
72. Read (re-read) all of my favourite author's books
73. Catalogue all of my dvd's and books
74. Reread 5 books from my childhood 
75. Bowl a score of 150
76. Watch 26 movies I’ve never seen starting with each letter of the alphabet 
77. Go to the drive ins
78. See 5 concerts 
79. Leave an inspirational note inside a book for someone to find
80. Read the Stieg Larsson Millenium series 
81. Go to 3 footy games 

Things to Do/Random Stuff
82. Go geocaching
83. Learn to knit
84. Knit a funky scarf
85. Try Pilates
86. Get a penpal in another country
87. Laugh so hard that I almost cry and pee simultaneously
88. Write in my blog at least once a month for a year 
89. Get a helium filled balloon, insert a letter with my address details and let it go
90. Devote an entire day to travelling on trains, buses, ferries and document it through words, photos and video
91. Hem all of my pants (new and old) to the correct length
92. Make a piece of simple beaded jewellery
93. Answer the "50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind"
94. Sew a piece of clothing for myself
95. Fly a kite
96. Do a jigsaw puzzle
97. Introduce the 100\1001 idea to 5 people 
98. Go Rollerblading/Ice Skating
99. Ride on a horse
100. Complete a photobook/album/scrapbook
101. Write a new “101 in 1001” list

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